The Association is operated by a five-member Board of Directors who volunteer for the community. All Directors serve three-year staggered terms. The election of the directors is held at each annual meeting by a vote of the membership. The Annual meeting is held in May of each year. The membership elects the number of directors with positions expiring at that annual meeting. If a Board member is unable to complete their full term the Board will appoint someone to fill that seat until that term expires. The Board of Directors elects the officers after the annual meeting.
The current Board of Directors are:
Jerry Krueger
Christine Stacey
Bridget Ognoskie
David Miniter
Clark Turner
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors; and shall see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out.
The Vice President shall act in the place of the President in the event of his absence or inability to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may by required of him by the Board.
The Secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Board and of the Members; keep the corporate seal of the Association and affix it on all papers requiring said seal; serve notice of meetings of the Board and of the Members; keep appropriate current records showing the Members of the Association together with their addresses, and shall perform such duties as required by the Board.
The Treasurer shall oversee the financial aspects of the community. The treasurer may delegate the account activities to a Management Company or paid employee.
The Director at Large shall vary according to the needs of the association and as directed by the other officers of the board.
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